Friday, April 1, 2011


Since it has been so nice out these past couple days, today we got people together to play some sand volleyball! Last summer I would play down at the school all the time with a group of friends, and it was a lot of fun! Tonight was not so much. I don't think I have ever been more picked on in my life! Me and Shelley were the only 2 girls there, and it seemed like we got the blame for everything! We were told not to touch the ball and that they would get it. If we didn't go for the ball we would get yelled at if we did go for it, we got yelled it! It was pretty much a lose lose situation! We played best out of 3, and after 2 games of it me and Shelley decided to leave a little early, but not with out getting them all back a little bit. We decided to drive by the volleyball court as slow as possible and playing Justin Bieber as loud as possible. As soon as they would get mad and run at us we would drive off and loop around to do it again! We got a pretty good laugh out of it, until they decided to try to throw sand and tennis balls at us! We ended up having a really funny time, despite everyone being butt heads!

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