Friday, April 8, 2011


Tonight I went to student venture at school. Student venture is a a Christan group at my school, who get together on Monday nights for games, bible study, and a small group. Tonight for our game, we played the card game spoons in groups! Which was a lot of fun. My group was me, Kayla, Greg, Egidae, and Corbin. I came out as the winner in this game, and had a blast playing it. After hanging around talking and playing spoons we had our lesson. Tonight's main question was: If someone asked you to summarize the bible in one sentence what would it be. The most accurate answer seemed to be a book of God's miracles on earth. We went through the Bible and did an about 30 min summary on the miracles that have taken place. It was actually really nice to hear everything in order from the new to the old testaments! You don't really ever stop to think about all of the miracles and amazing things that do take place all throughout the bible. We also discussed that these miracles are still taking place, and that we are all still part of the story, and how we can be a memorable part of all of it. I had a really good time tonight, and I got to meet some new really nice people!

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