Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I feel like I have done a million posts about this, but today I went and turned in another few applications for a job! I am feeling pressured to find a job now since summer is close, and I need to save for California! I am so tired of looking for a job and filling out applications, and I am praying that this is the last time for a while I'll have to do it! This time I applied at a bunch of day cares close to my house, and I would absolutely LOVE a job at any of them. I feel like I have applied everywhere and so has everyone else my age! Everyone always tells me I am dumb for quitting my job at Justice since I can't find another job now, but I do not feel dumb about doing that at all, and hopefully all of this will pay off and I'll get a job that I really like and can actually get hours! And I know I can always go back to Justice after I turn 18 if I need to! On another note, today I came home from the gym around 12:30 and everything in my neighborhood was fine. I went back out just before 2, and there were about 7 cop cars parked in front of a house about 4 doors down from me! They had the man that lives in the house outside with his hands behind his head and a gun pointed at him! I have never seen anything that crazy before! Boise, Idaho is turning dangerous haha! I have no idea what was happening but the cop cars were there for a while and it looked like they were searching his house and car! I want to know what happened there so bad, and it was so crazy to see all of that!

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