Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Dinner For Winners

So today is the day the movie "Dinner for Schmucks" came out, and I have been waiting for this to come out since I saw it in the summer. I think it is one of the most hilarious movies ever, which is probably why I saw it 3 times in the movie theater. So as soon as I got out of school, I went straight out to buy it, and I have already watched. This movie is incredibly funny and I suggest everyone go out and buy it if you want to laugh your head off to a good movie! On another not today in another class, we all had to write 2 answers to the following question "In 2010 I learned..." and my teacher read some of the past answers to us. And it was hilarious to hear what people had learned, and most guys had written about things they learned about girls like; "PMS is just an excuse for girls to be themselves."  "Talking to girls is like talking to someone smarter than you. You never know what they are talking about and you just smile and nod along." and "Girls are just a big mess of emotions that craves a lot of chocolates." It's interesting to know they things that guys learn about us! Well I have officially completed day 4, so only 361 days to go!

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