Monday, February 28, 2011

Cowboys and Indians

Tonight I got invited to the Student Venture cowboys and indians get together! There was a little friendly rivalry between the cowboys and indians but it was a really fun night for us all! To start off the night we had a arm wrestling tournament, and I am proud to say that I came out the girls champion of the night! There was a really great lesson taught about how life is a river adventure, you can choose to go it alone and struggle the whole way through, or go down with god as your guide and have someone along with you to help with your struggles. I really have missed going to events like this so I'm so glad I got the chance to tonight, and hopefully I'll be going next Monday as well! We ended the night off with a bon fire and I got the chance to meet some really nice new people!

Day 21 - A picture of something you wish you could forget
Really I don't like these days that are kind of negative posts for the day! And writing about something I want to forget to everyone that reads this really wont help me forget it at all! But something I wish I could forget is that I have to wake up at 6:30 tomorrow! I know..I do that every morning, but hey it's the best I can come up with! (This picture really kind of goes with tonight too! Since Kayla, Kaitlyn and I all love Justin Bieber and he was a big topic of the night!)

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Challenge Time!

So tomorrow marks the start of the next Farren family weight loss challenge, but time we are taking it to the next step! Usually it is just me, my mom and Cheryl, but this time everyone stepped on board! So far it is me, Cheryl, Danny, my mom, my dad and hopefully Kevin will join in too! This competition is one month long, but it is broken into 4 mini challenges with in! So I made up a progress board, taped it on our pantry door (which I though was a very smart place to put it), and divided up the teams! This week's challenge will be boys vs girls, so which ever team does the best is the winner of that week. Each week will be different and they'll go:
Week one: Boys vs Girls
Week two: Partners
Week three: Family
Week four: Individual
So we are all getting out junk food cravings out this weekend and then after that it's time for competition mode!

Day 20 - A picture of somewhere you’d love to travel-
I picked Australia! It seems like it would be such an awesome place to see! It's so pretty looking and filled with all kinds of things I wouldn't normally be able to see!

Friendship Day!

It probably seems from all my other posts that me and Shelley hang out all the time, but really we don't get to that often! So to night since we were both free, we had our friendship time! Which really was us being kind of lazy and pigs but oh well we had fun! We watched The Secret Life of the American Teenager and then went to Applebee's for some dessert. It was kind of funny going to Applebee's with her since that is where she works and everyone there knew her, and I knew all the dram of Applebee's and finally got to  put faces with names. We went there so Shelley could show me this dessert that she loved but we ended up getting that and another huge dessert to split...and we managed to finish them both! Me and Shelley are always so weird when we are together, but I happen to think we are ridiculously funny!

Day 19 - A picture of you when you were little

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Another Job Hunt

Today me and Kayla set off to look for another job! I feel like I have applied everywhere in the whole state of Idaho and really not gotten much back! I have always tried to avoid the mall though when I look for applications but now I'm getting so desperate that I'm even applying there too! So me and Kayla set off and got like 12 applications then sat a filled them out. She was a little more determined to fill them out then I was since I got bored of it right away. I wish finding a job was easier and every high schooler in the valley wasn't looking for a job too! I made Kayla get an application at Justice as well, that was the first time I went back there since I stopped working and it was really nice to see everyone again! At least I know when I turn 18 I'll have that job waiting for me again!

Day 18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity
My pale skin! I feel like everyone in the world is more tan than I am! It's bad when I have to buy porcelain colored make up. Even though I hate my pale skin, I am NOT going tanning, that freaks me out and I don't want skin cancer!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Officially A Bronco!

Today I am officially a Boise State Bronco! I accepted my offer of admission, signed up for freshman orientation this summer and filled out the paper work for on campus housing! Campus housing is the thing I am most excited and scared about! I am terrified that I am going to end up with a freak room mate and have to suffer a year with someone crazy, but I am so excited to move out meet new people and experience what it is like to kind of be on my own! I honestly never ever thought I'd go to BSU, from when I moved up here I have never really liked BSU, but I thought it out and really it made more sense for me to stay pretty close to home for at least my first year of college before I move all the way across the country back to Texas! I still hope to move back down there one day but for now I'll be staying up here in Boise as a new Bronco!

 Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently.
I feel like anything I write for this one will be cliche and dumb so I'm not going to put anything because really nothing recently has had that big of an impact on me!


So today me and my mom headed out to get a new pair of jeans, I went into Buckle to pick a pair, and I don't think there is a store with more pushy sales people. I got handed about 6 different pairs of jeans other than what I picked out and 3 more tops just to try. Since I used to work at a retail store I know it is your goal to add on as many items as possible but goodness they just throw stuff at you! It is a pretty annoying process buying jeans there, but really they do have the nicest jean out of everywhere!

Day 16 - A picture of someone who inspires you
I picked Kevin! He is a pretty awesome brother and a smarty pants too! I love him!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Today in the mail I got a very pleasant early Easter card from my grandma! I love when she sends me cards for random reasons! She was also kind enough to send me a little spending money too, which is very helpful since I am practically broke right now! I love getting little things from my granny Pearson, since I rarely get to see her since she lives in Scotland its nice to hear from her every once in a while! I have not seen either of my grandparents in over a year, and I'll admit when they do come they stay for about a month which can be very frustrating but I love my family no matter what! 

Day 15 - A picture of something you want to do before you die.
The one thing I have always wanted to do is go to South Africa and go in a shark cage! I don't know why that has always seemed like such a fun thing to me. Some people want to go sky diving for an adrenalen rush, I'd rather get close up to a great white!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Jessica & Gwen

Today I babysat probably the two most adorable girls in the whole world; Jessica and Gwen. I went over to their house around lunch time, and unfortunately since Gwen is only 2, it was pretty much her nap time as soon as I got over there, but me and Jessica still had a pretty fun time! We watched Cinderella, played Bingo, read stories, had hand stand competitions and she even did my hair for me! She is by far the cutest kindergartner ever, and I love baby sitting her and Gwen. Every time I go over they greet me with hugs and excitement and it makes me so excited just to play with them for the day! As soon as Gwen woke up from her nap, it was almost time for me to leave, but she is the cuddliest little child ever she loves being held and hugged, so we had enough time to play the game they both love where I pick them up spin around and pretend to fall over. I love babysitting little kids and it just reminds me how much I want to be a teacher when I am older!

Day 14 - A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without.
For this one I picked my older sister Cheryl. Even though she lives in Texas and I live in Idaho we are still extremely close! I love her so much and miss her tons! I can not wait for her to come visit next month!

Sunday, February 20, 2011


About four hours of my day today was devoted to cleaning. I vacuumed, dusted, did laundry, cleaned the bathroom and did dishes. There are just days where once I start cleaning I feel like I have to clean everything, and I'm not going to lie; I am pretty O.C.D. about how things are organized. I must say the whole upstairs of the house looks pretty dang fantastic though! The rest of my day was pretty much spent with my dad, since he is going out of town tomorrow I figured we should get some bonding time in! So I picked us up some Pita Pit for dinner and we just relaxed for a bit! My dad is a really important person in my life, and even though we but heads a lot I still love him more then anything!

Day 13 - A picture of your favorite band or artist.
My favorite band since about 3rd grade has been Relient K. I never really get tired of them and I'm pretty sure I will love them forever!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Lazy Day

Usually I am a pretty big morning person, sleeping in for me on the weekends is probably if I sleep past 9, I usually get up a little bit earlier than I have to for school just so I'll have lots of time in the morning. For some reason today me and Kayla managed to sleep in past 11. I actually don't like sleeping in, I feel like a bum and that half of my day is gone. And that is really how the rest of my day went. Kayla and I woke up at 11, made waffles for breakfast, finished How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, and then did absolutely nothing! We played with her xbox connect for a bit, and that's about it! I think a lazy day like this every once in a while is good, my brain has felt kind of fried because of senior project and this was a day to re energize!

Day 12: Something you Love
The Dallas Cowboys. Anyone who has ever met me probably knows this, but the Dallas Cowboys are the best team EVER and Miles Austin is the best wide receiver EVER! I get a lot of crap for liking them, but I'm from Texas, I am supposed to love them.

Pick Up Lines

Today after school Kayla came over and hung out and spent the night. It was a pretty fun and relaxing Friday night for us! We did some some Just Dance 2, a little Facebook stalking, on top of prank-texting people with cheesy pick up lines. We ended our night with How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, so it was a pretty girly/chick flick night but it was pretty fun!!

Day 11: A Picture of Something You Hate
I chose cotton balls, for some reason I have always HATED cotton balls, I think they feel disgusting, and I hate the noise that they make when you pull them apart. I have found a way around using them for everything. I have always hated them and probably always will!

Friday, February 18, 2011


So almost as long as I can remember me and my dad have sat and watched the show Survivor. So today we sat at watched the premiere of the new season Survivor: Redemption Island. I have always said that when I turn 18 that I would audition for every season of that show, and to this day I still want to! I would gladly go on a camping trip for 38 days with the hopes of winning a million dollars! Even if you do have to eat some nasty stuff, I do think it would be worth it!

Day 10 - A picture of the person you do the most messed up things with
This picture should really be combined with yesterdays too, because Shelley is also the person I do the most messed up thing with by far, we are probably the weirdest people together ever, and that's okay because we have fun doing it!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


So I am not trying to brag when I say this, but I am probably one of the best cookie makers in the world. For some reason I just love to bake cookies, and I think I'm pretty good at it. Well for my Personal Finance class, I was assigned the food job, so tomorrow I am bringing cookies, which meant today I had to make lots and lots of them! Though I love making cookies, the one down side is that out of all the junk food in the world cookie dough is my biggest weakness, I feel like I could eat a whole batch of cookie dough before even making the cookies. So I challenged my self not to eat any, and I actually surprised myself and didn't!

Day 09 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most.


Tonight is the night I finally finished my senior project paper! I still have a few little things to do, but the actual paper is completed! It is almost like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders! Hopefully I do well on this paper or I will not be very pleased! These past few days have been very had for me to blog about since it has pretty much been dedicated to this project, but I promise after all of this is completed, I'll finally have a little more of a life then sitting at my computer 4 hours a day typing this paper!

Day 08 - A picture that makes you laugh.
There are like a million pictures from the Apple Store in middle school that crack me up, I don't know why we used to think all of this pictures were so cute, or why that's we'd go to the mall just to take pictures in there, but that was like the most popular thing ever back in the day!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!

As we all know, today is Valentines Day! Remember back in elementary school, when everyone made a shoe box to collect all their valentines that were passed out in class? Well to spread a little cheer today me and Shelley decided to buy some valentines and pass them out to random people in the hall way just for the fun of it! It was so funny seeing students and teachers reactions to getting our little valentines, and surprisingly some people loved them, and said it made there day! I love little things like that, that just make people happy. It was so simple but very fun! This was a very quiet Valentines Day for me, but hopefully all of y'all were amazing!

Day 07 - A picture of your most treasured item.
This may seem like a pretty weird most treasured item, but I chose my huge stuffed animal dog. I have had this thing for like forever, and its been chewed up by out dogs, missing part of it's ear and tail, and its legs have almost no fluff in it anymore, but I love it and it makes the worlds best pillow.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Time Consuming

Today I spent what felt like forever on my senior project. Honestly this is not nearly as stressful as I was expecting, and everyone who is freaking out about it, I don't really get why. The only thing that is bad about it is that it is time consuming, in all the time i spent on it I got my policy identification, and history and background done. I still have current situation, differing view points, and what I'd like to change left. My topic was solitary confinement, and maybe it's just an easy subject or something but now I'm worried about this at all. Today my family also did our little valentines day treats, I know it's a day early but oh well, my mom bought me a little chocolate coffee cream cup thing, and it was soooo delicious, today was a pretty productive day for me, and I am ready to kick this senior projects behind!

Day 06 - A picture of a person you’d love to trade places with for a day.
I picked Kelly Ripa to trade places with, for some reason I just like love her, she is funny, pretty, and gets to talk to famous people for a living! If I could trade places with her I wouldn't want to just for a day, I would want to for like forever!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Never Say Never!

It's obviously not a secret that I have a bad case of Bieber fever, and I personally thought it couldn't get any worse than it already it, but I was wrong, it's 10000 times worse now that I've seen the Justin Bieber movie - "Never Say Never". Today I went and picked up Kayla, we loaded up on candy, and coffee to sneak into the movies, and went to see NSN. Neither of us really checked the time before we left for the theater, and we ended up getting there freakishly early, and we weren't allowed into our theater yet, so we ended up playing silly little arcade games for almost an hour, then finally we got to see the movie. It was a documentary style movie that shared about his life, how he got famous, and the people that have helped him along the way, and it was pretty much like a concert movie as well since it showed his whole sold out Madison Square Garden show as well. Me and Kayla had a pretty awesome time seeing the movie, and it is safe to say we both have an even worse and incurable case of Bieber Fever!

Day 5: A picture of your favorite memory!
It's so hard to pick these things, but one of my favorite memories is when my family went to Las Vegas for my brother wedding. Vegas was such a fun city, and I can't wait to go back when I'm actually old enough to do stuff haha.


Today I got another letter from the University of Idaho in the mail, which brought on the talk that seems to be coming up a lot with my family is where am I going to college? I now have four options; I can stay close to home in the valley at Boise State, I can move up to the freezing north to University of Idaho, I can cross state lines to the left and go to the University or Oregon, or down south to Blinn to get my residency and transfer to another Texas school after that. There are so many pros and cons to all the schools, just just don't know what I'm going to do at all! I can go to a huge PAC 10 school, stay near home, go closer to my brother and sister or just up north. Honestly I have no idea what I want to do, and I need to decide soon.
Day 4: A picture from my favorite night
Really I have lots of favorite nights, but this is my favorite picture from a very fun night! This was from Blitz, the 80's all nighter! We went to the YMCA, we went to the Rolar Rink, Blowling, and had tons of laughs this night, and me and Shelley were some good lookin 80's girls!

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Usually I use Skype to talk to my sister or friends, but for some reason me and Shelley decided to Skype today! I don't really know why, I see her all the time but it just seemed like fun! After a while of being our usual weird self, prank calling some people on Skype, and being obnoxious on facebook, we decided to conference call with Brooks! I had no idea you could do that on Skype, but it is so fun! We got to play some weird pig game, and just all chat together. "It's like we're all one happy Skype family!" It was pretty fun! And honestly I don't know how Brooks put up with us! Tonight I had planned to go to the Never Say Never premier at 12, but there isn't a midnight showing! I was very disappointed, but hopefully we all go tomorrow!

Day 3 of 30 day challenge:
Your favorite TV show! My favorite show changes all the time but for now it's Friends!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Every morning when I wake up the first thing I go down stairs and do it poor a cup of coffee. I never realized how addicted I had become to it though! Last night I spent the night at Shelley's to finish making our shirts, and I left this morning with out having any coffee, and boy was I tired all day long. I felt like the day dragged on for forever! As soon as I got home at 2:00 the first thing I did was make myself a cup, and I felt so much better. It's almost turning into a drug for me, and maybe its time I start to break the addiction!

Day 2 of the 30 day challenge!
Picture of the person you have been closest with longest:
Danielle Barada! Well I guess 7th grade isn't that long of a time, but we have pretty much been best friends since then, and even though I moved away she is the person I am closest with by far from Texas! She is probably one of the greatest friends I have ever had!

30 Day Challenge

It seems like almost everyone is doing one of these 30 day picture challenges, so I decided to one on this! If you don't know what the 30 day challenge is it goes as follows:
 Day 01 - A picture of yourself with ten facts
Day 02 - A picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest.
Day 03 - A picture of the cast from your favorite show.
Day 04 - A picture of your favorite night....
Day 05 - A picture of your favorite memory.
Day 06 - A picture of a person you’d love to trade places with for a day.
Day 07 - A picture of your most treasured item.
Day 08 - A picture that makes you laugh.
Day 09 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most.
Day 10 - A picture of the person you do the most messed up things with.
Day 11 - A picture of something you hate.
Day 12 - A picture of something you love.
Day 13 - A picture of your favorite band or artist.
Day 14 - A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without.
Day 15 - A picture of something you want to do before you die.
Day 16 - A picture of someone who inspires you.
Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently.
Day 18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity
Day 19 - A picture of you when you were little.
Day 20 - A picture of somewhere you’d love to travel.
Day 21 - A picture of something you wish you could forget.
Day 22 - A picture of something you wish you were better at.
Day 23 - A picture of your favorite book.
Day 24 - A picture of something you wish you could change.
Day 25 - A picture of your day.
Day 26 - A picture of something that means a lot to you.
Day 27 - A picture of yourself and a family member.
Day 28 - A picture of something you’re afraid of.
Day 29 - A picture that can always make you smile.
Day 30 - A picture of someone you miss.

I decided that I would join in on the fun, so on top of my blog I'll be doing this now too! I'll still be doing all my daily things on top of this, but I figured it would be fun to give this a shot too!
So day one, and picture of yourself and 10 facts:
1) I am a big time Dallas Cowboys fan

2) I lived in Texas most of my life.
3) My best friend's names are Shelley and Danielle
4) My favorite color is purple

5) I want to be an elementary school teacher when I'm older
6) I love Harry Potter
7) I have a bad case of Bieber Fever
8) My all time favorite movie is You've Got Mail....but Mean Girls is a very close 2nd
9) I love summer time, and I hate winter
10) I don't like fast food at all, I don't even remember when I had it last.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Legally Blonde!

Tonight me and my mom got all dressed up to go see Legally Blonde The Musical! We both put on a couple of nice dresses, coats, and I even wore a pare of high heels, which ended up being a huge mistake on my part, since I had to hobble around all night too and from the parking lot! Besides that though it was a blast. The show was so great, and tons of fun. It stayed true to the movies while adding its own twist with all the songs and dancing. I would love to see it again, and it makes me so excited to go see Wicked in the spring. For some reason I really do love musicals, I have also seen Mama Mia in the past, and Chicago is one of my all time favorite movies, there is just something about musical that I love!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Super Bowl Sunday

Congratulations to the Green Bay Packers for becoming the 2011 Super Bowl Champs! Honestly, I didn't have too much of an opinion on who won this Super Bowl, anyone who has ever met me knows I am a die hard Dallas Cowboys fan, and when it comes to any other teams I just kinda pick a random team to win. Well since the Cowboys didn't even make it to the play-offs this year, I did choose the Packers to win, only because their quarterback hasn't had 3 rape accusations. I know for a fact tomorrow at school there will be some pretty annoying Packers fans, but I can't say anything, if the Cowboys won I would be just as annoying about it. Today I went to Chelsea's house for the Superbowl where we ate watched the game and just hung out, but before the game me and Nikki had some pretty interesting adventures to K-Mart, and Wal-Mart. Its amazing the kind of people you see out in Napma/Caldwell's K-Mart, like the old man in the Winnie-the-Poo denim jacket. We we out looking for stuff to make shirts for something later this week, and we ended up in the Wal-Mart dressing room trying on hideous little kid clothes. It was actually a pretty hilarious trip out. We headed back to Chelsea's and got to work on her shirt, and honestly didn't even pay too much attention to the game, but it was a pretty fun Super Bowl Sunday!

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Have you even been to a restaurant so many times, and order the same thing so often that the people that work there know you, and what you order? That is what my family is like at the restaurant Skana. Every time we go there we all get the same thing to drink, someone splits a sushi for two, and some one else gets a few special rolls. No matter what we get almost the same thing. My whole family are such creatures of habit, it's ridiculous! I watch the same movies every night before bed. My family watches the same TV shows year after year, we eat the same things for breakfast and lunch all the time, we just stick to the things we know! Which I actually don't mind, I mean hey if I can go for Sushi a couple times a month because its one of the only places we go out to eat that is completely fine with me! Which is what we did tonight! We went out and grabbed a bite to eat and came home and watched the most hilarious show ever, Idiot Abroad. Literally we all crack up at it. Even though it is not the coolest thing to be home Saturday night with my family, I actually love doing it!


So yesterday's entire blog was pretty much dedicated to the video me and Shelley made, we I'm sorry to do this again but so is today's! We received 395 views in less than 48 hours, and we are determined to get more! Some people might have seen how determined we are posting the video on wall's, and getting a lot of Justin Bieber fan attention. Not only we me and Shelley posting it, but so was Brooks, kids from random countries that liked it on facebook, and anyone we could find! So help us out, and lets get this video noticed some more!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Baby, Baby, Baby, Ohhhh!

Today I actually do not have a picture that I have taken for my blog today... I have something better! Today is the day I am posting the music video me and Shelley made. We added it up, and total we probably spent about 24 hours total on it, so even though it is a Justin Bieber song, and you many not want to hear it. You should watch the video anyway! Even though you for some crazy reason may not like Justin Bieber, the video is actually pretty awesome! Plus there is a chance you might even be in it, since there is some random filming at school. We love this video, and we hope y'all do too! It was a lot of fun to make, and probably 1000 times better than a picture of the day! Who knows maybe this will give us our chance to meet Justin Bieber! So watch it, share it, and tell everyone else to watch it!

These are some of the pictures that we used to make the video!

For my actual 365 today, really I can't say anything too new happend except I got pulled over today for my first time! I was driving on the back roads to school, going 35 in a 25. Which ultimantly ended in an $85 ticket! Which I am not too excited to have to pay, but I can for sure say I learned my lesson, since it was almost kind of embarrassing that I had people come up to me asking if that was me they saw pulled over on their way to school! Hopefully this wont happen again!